Please pay attention to these instructions, your new tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life, so please follow all the recommendations.

  • No longer then 3 hours after the session carefully remove the bandage (plastic foil).
  • Gently wash the tattoo under warm water with some natural soap (or baby soap). Do not use a washcloth, just gently wash the tattoo with your hands. Let the tattoo dry or use a paper towel to dry it (do not rub the tattoo).
  • Put on some healing cream on the tattoo. Do not use a lot of cream, the tattoo should be covered with a thin layer of cream.
  • During the next day repeat steps 2 and 3 three times a day.
  • During next 7-10 days continue to use healing cream 2-3 times a day. There is no need to wash the tattoo every time before you put the cream, you can wash it once or twice a day, when you take a shower, for example. Just make sure you don’t use any shower gel or washcloth for the tattoo (you can continue using natural or baby soap).
  • 7-10 days after appointment there is no need to use healing cream any more, just use any moisturizing non-greasy cream for 5-7 more days. The skin with the tattoo can start peeling off a little bit, don’t do anything with it, just continue using cream.
  • After the session it is better to limit strong alcohol and strong coffee and vasodilators if any – for 3 days, sports – for 5 days. No bath / sauna/ swimming pool/ solarium/ sea/ beach – for 3 weeks.
    It is better to exclude tight cloths, natural fabrics are preferable.
  • After the tattoo is fully healed (healing process takes 3 – 4 weeks) every time you sunbathe, make sure you use sunscreen (SPF 50 or higher). 
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